Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Almost a month... And a juried show

My name is Taylor and I've been a bad blogger. Trust me, I would love the energy to sit and write about the great things my students say, but alas I have none. I am at the elementary level right now and it is amazing. Amazingly tiring. They are great and I am learning a ton from my new coop teacher.

So what is new? Well... I got into the 24th Annual Juried Show at Texas Tech! I was so thrilled to be selected again. The picture below is the piece that I submitted that was picked!

It is a 3x5 foot inkjet print for a project I did for a multimedia class. We were instructed to incorporate text into some sort of project. This is the largest I've ever worked and I have to tell you I didn't hate it. The meaning behind it is that we as a society tell each other "I'm Sorry" for the weirdest off the wall things to where now I feel like it has almost no meaning at all.

The show runs from March 23?-April 3rd. The closing reception is on the 1st. For me and I don't know if this is the same for everyone, but it makes me feel good to be selected for something like this. Such an honor.

On another note this week is spring break, my last one as an undergrad ( I am going to go to Graduate school) and we are having a staycation. Where I sit and watch movies all day and Matt works. It is nice to sit around and watch tv, movies and clean and get some real things done. This staycation is wonderful because we really aren't doing anything.

I hope everyone has a great week! Take care.